Monday, March 23, 2009


So i know its been forever since i put up a post but its just been crazy lately!! The wedding was awesome except for me being sick all day it went really well. Everyone was doing there job and it flowed better than i could have ever expected it to. It wouldn't have been pulled off without the help of my friend montgomery!! she rocked the reception making sure everything was ready to go!! Also big thanks to my aunt joanne who helped decorate for the reception. it was beautiful and i loved it. Hilary and Hailey sang at the ring ceremony which was beautiful!! They both did such and amazing job. Cole and i owe a big thanks to everyone that helped with the wedding, luncheon, ring ceremony and reception we really appreciate everyone's help... And now me and cole couldn't be happier. We're living in our new house with the two dogs and its crazy cuz we're both so busy but its a lot of fun! Our house is so awesome and its fun to live in. It still has a lot of work with decorating and all but its still awesome. We love being married. I couldn't ask for a better husband and best friend.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Congratulations on your wedding day! How exciting! Married life is wonderful, I love it! Welcome to the club! :)