Monday, October 4, 2010


Okay so lately I have really been wanting to start selling Scenty. I love their product and I don't know about you but I love having my house smell good! But I can't decide if it is a good idea or not. My real dilemma is that I want family and friends to be willing to buy it but I don't want to be a pushy sales person and make everyone feel uncomfortable around me because i'm going to try and push them into it or something. So I have decided to see what others think about it. If I started selling it would it be something that you would buy from me and if not I want to know that too. I don't want to sell it if I dont' have enough people interested in it. Just leave me a little comment about it and if you aren't on blogger you can still leave a comment anyways!! Thanks for your help!!!


Jessica Taylor Blaine said...

I would love to have a person I know to buy it from. I love their scents.

Annie and Dylan said...

I would buy from you, I always get it from random people who I don't even care to help!

kelsey green said...

i need somethin to keep my house smellin good!!! totally buy from a friend instead of walmart.. target.. haha

Randi Oswald said...

Thanks girls you are all so awesome!! Thank you!! I really think I will end up selling it!! I'll totally let you know when I do!!!

Amber said...

Hey Randi! So I totally get scentsy. Not ALL the time but I have a scentsy candle and stuff. It would be nice to have someone close that I could get some from so I say go for it! I will totally be your client! I actually wouldn't mind a candle for my basement. I only have one for my kitchen and I love it!

Joanna and Eric said...

Randi, don't be too alarmed, but I cam across your blog from another mutual friend's. Sorry for the blog stalking here! But! I sell Scentsy and I just have to say that you don't have to pushy (except to your mom...convincing her to host parties all the time haha) But really, the awesome thing is that it kind of sells itself. I am not a hard core sales girl, either, so I guess it depends on what you would like to do with it. But yeah, I just do it for fun. You can email me if you want to know anything else You probably don't remember me, but I used to work at Jamba and I'm pretty sure we met there. Anyway...yeah good luck!

B&C Parke Family said...

I need a scentsy consultant too!..Please do it!